PT. Sinar Rejo Farma


Established in 1980, Sinar Rejo Farma is a pharmaceutical distribution company that posseses the license to procure, store, and distribute drugs in large quantities, under the law of Republic of Indonesia.

Sinar Rejo Farma is a sister company of PIM Pharmaceuticals which is authorized to distribute PIM Pharmaceuticals‘ products. With its vision of being a trustworthy, reliable and quality oriented pharmaceutical distributor, Sinar Rejo Farma practices under the GDP (Good Distribution Practice) Certification, evaluated by the NADFC (National Agency of Drug and Food Control). The aim of this practice is to ensure that the quality of drugs are maintained during staging and distribution processes.

Highly Skilled Professionals

The professionals in Sinar Rejo Farma are highly skilled and competent in their fields, with a habit of conducting good distribution practices.


All facilities of Sinar Rejo Farma comply with GDP (Good Distribution Practice) Certification

“Menjadi Pedagang Besar Farmasi yang aman, bermutu dan berkualitas.”

Visi, PT Sinar Rejo Farma

Misi, PT Sinar Rejo Farma

Memberikan layanan yang maksimal kepada seluruh pelanggan.

Menciptakan kondisi terbaik bagi karyawan sebagai kebanggan untuk bekerja.

Meningkatkan kepedulian dan tanggung jawab kepada lingkungan sekitar.

Menjadikan acuan pelaksanaan Cara Distribusi Obat yang baik bagi Pedagang Besar Farmasi.

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